JOHN DEERE Z JOHN DEERE JOHN DEERE No Gooseneck Implement GOOSENECKIMP.COM/GOOSENECK-GATEWAY FILTERS FOR FIRE For each filter purchased during the month of October, Gooseneck will donate $1 to a local fire department of your choosing. Our selection includes filters for lawn and garden, agriculture equipment and automobiles. There will be slips on the parts counter for you to fill out so we know which fire department to donate to. If you order your filters on the Gooseneck Gateway, we will double the donation! Valid Oct. 1 - Nov. 12, 2022 JOHN DEERE EL JOHN DEERE JOHN DEERE Z JOHN DEERE JOHN DEERE No Gooseneck Implement GOOSENECKIMP.COM/GOOSENECK-GATEWAY FILTERS FOR FIRE For each filter purchased during the month of October , Gooseneck will donate $ 1 to a local fire department of your choosing . Our selection includes filters for lawn and garden , agriculture equipment and automobiles . There will be slips on the parts counter for you to fill out so we know which fire department to donate to . If you order your filters on the Gooseneck Gateway , we will double the donation ! Valid Oct. 1 - Nov. 12 , 2022 JOHN DEERE EL JOHN DEERE