JUST BECAUSE WE DO SAFETY We believe in leaders. Leadership doesn't magically happen - it requires strategy, commitment, and teamwork. We commit to supporting our customers in building stronger. more effective leaders- so we can create a stronger, safer industry. Contratulations to this years 20 under 40 winners! We are proud of you. DOESN'T MEAN WE DON'T DO MS DANGEROUS BASIN SAFETY 701.572.8140 Pe Williston | Dickinson basinsafetyus.com JUST BECAUSE WE DO SAFETY We believe in leaders . Leadership doesn't magically happen - it requires strategy , commitment , and teamwork . We commit to supporting our customers in building stronger . more effective leaders- so we can create a stronger , safer industry . Contratulations to this years 20 under 40 winners ! We are proud of you . DOESN'T MEAN WE DON'T DO MS DANGEROUS BASIN SAFETY 701.572.8140 Pe Williston | Dickinson basinsafetyus.com