LIFELINE SERVICE from AT&T If you are a qualified low-income resident of North Dakota, you may be eligible for discounted service from AT&T under the Lifeline program. You may qualify based on your income or if you receive government financial 09 30 assistance. OK 2 3 4. 5 6 FREE 7an 8w 9.. with Lifeline activation, while supplies last. *. 0- #t ATST Cingular Flip IV FREE SHIPPING | TO APPLY FOR LIFELINE SERVICE, CALL THE LIFELINE SUPPORT CENTER AT 1-800-234-9473 OR VISIT CHECKLIFELINE.ORG. FOR ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR AT&T SERVICE, CALL 1-800-377-9450 OR VISIT ATT.COM/WIRELESSLIFELINE. SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR $19.74 amonth after Lifeline and state discourts are appled. Includes 1,000 Anytime Minutes and nationwide long distance. If you live on Tribal lands and qualify, you could get Enhanced Lifeline support, which can reduce your wireless bill to as little as $1a month. Lifeline is a government benefit program; the benefit is non-transferable; only eligible customers may enroll in the program; and the benefit is limited to one discount per household on either wireline or wireless service. Anyone who willfully makes false statements to obtain the benefit can be punished by fine or imprisonment, or can be barred from the program. All customers wil be required to demonstrate eligibity based at least on (1) household income at or below 135% of Federal Poverty Level guidelines for a household of that size OR (2) the household's participation in one of the federal assistance programs. Forms of documentation required for enrolment based on income include prior year's state, federal, or Tribal tax returr current income statement from an employer or paycheck; Social Security statement of benefits, Veterans Administration statement of benefits, retirement or pension statement of benefits; Unemployment or Workers' Compensation statement of benefits, federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance, divorce decree, child support award, or other official document containing income information for at least 3months. Forms of documentation required for enrollment based on program current or prior year's statement of benefits from a qualifying state, federal, or Tribal program, a notice letter of participation in a qualifying state, federal or Tribal program program participation documents (a copy of your SNAP or Medicaid card): other official document showing your participation in a qualifying state. federal, or Tribal program.Other charges and restrictions may apply. Pricing and terms are subject to change. Visit or a store near you for more info. Terms and Conditions: Lifeline service is subject to the terms and conditions found in the Terms of Service, Rate Plan, Sales Information, and Lifeline Contract. Screen images are simulated © 2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks used herein arethe property of their respective owners. LIFELINE SERVICE from AT&T If you are a qualified low-income resident of North Dakota, you may be eligible for discounted service from AT&T under the Lifeline program. You may qualify based on your income or if you receive government financial 09 30 assistance. OK 2 3 4. 5 6 FREE 7an 8w 9.. with Lifeline activation, while supplies last. *. 0- #t ATST Cingular Flip IV FREE SHIPPING | TO APPLY FOR LIFELINE SERVICE, CALL THE LIFELINE SUPPORT CENTER AT 1-800-234-9473 OR VISIT CHECKLIFELINE.ORG. FOR ANY OTHER QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR AT&T SERVICE, CALL 1-800-377-9450 OR VISIT ATT.COM/WIRELESSLIFELINE. SERVICE AVAILABLE FOR $19.74 amonth after Lifeline and state discourts are appled. Includes 1,000 Anytime Minutes and nationwide long distance. If you live on Tribal lands and qualify, you could get Enhanced Lifeline support, which can reduce your wireless bill to as little as $1a month. Lifeline is a government benefit program; the benefit is non-transferable; only eligible customers may enroll in the program; and the benefit is limited to one discount per household on either wireline or wireless service. Anyone who willfully makes false statements to obtain the benefit can be punished by fine or imprisonment, or can be barred from the program. All customers wil be required to demonstrate eligibity based at least on (1) household income at or below 135% of Federal Poverty Level guidelines for a household of that size OR (2) the household's participation in one of the federal assistance programs. Forms of documentation required for enrolment based on income include prior year's state, federal, or Tribal tax returr current income statement from an employer or paycheck; Social Security statement of benefits, Veterans Administration statement of benefits, retirement or pension statement of benefits; Unemployment or Workers' Compensation statement of benefits, federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance, divorce decree, child support award, or other official document containing income information for at least 3months. Forms of documentation required for enrollment based on program current or prior year's statement of benefits from a qualifying state, federal, or Tribal program, a notice letter of participation in a qualifying state, federal or Tribal program program participation documents (a copy of your SNAP or Medicaid card): other official document showing your participation in a qualifying state. federal, or Tribal program.Other charges and restrictions may apply. Pricing and terms are subject to change. Visit or a store near you for more info. Terms and Conditions: Lifeline service is subject to the terms and conditions found in the Terms of Service, Rate Plan, Sales Information, and Lifeline Contract. Screen images are simulated © 2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks used herein arethe property of their respective owners.