Farmers, join the fight to defend glyphosate. For decades, we have developed products that can be relied on to address the challenges you face on your farm and improve your bottom line. Glyphosate has long been a foundational and safe-to-use-as-directed tool to help you fight weeds, maintain conservation farming practices, and produce the kind of yields critical to an affordable food supply. As you well know, if your costs rise, so do prices at the grocery store. Fighting food inflation starts with fighting for the American farmer. However, legal challenges are threatening your access to this essential product. Despite its clear scientific record, the litigation industry continues to use misleading information to challenge glyphosate's safety in pursuit of a big payday. Fighting against the litigation industry has cost more than $10 billion to date with no resolution. One thing is clear, we cannot continue to sell an approved product and lose billions of dollars in doing so. Unfortunately, we are nearing the point where the efforts of the litigation industry will force us to stop selling this product. And while glyphosate is the topic today, make no mistake that all crop protection products could be under attack by the litigation industry. That's why we are actively engaged in legislative efforts at both the federal and state levels to support policies that protect your access to an essential, domestically produced crop protection product. The EPA has repeatedly affirmed glyphosate is safe to use as directed, and the legislation we support reinforces the authority of the EPA's rigorous, science-backed labeling decisions. This consistency ensures that the label is the law, helping to eliminate the unfounded premise of legal attacks by requiring uniformity in U.S. labeling. We've successfully defended glyphosate in numerous lawsuits and continue to fight against unfounded claims. But we need your help to save this product. Legislators are making decisions NOW and need to hear from you. We hope you will join us in this critically important fight. Thank you for all you do. Scan to send a letter to your legislator. B A BAYER E R Farmers , join the fight to defend glyphosate . For decades , we have developed products that can be relied on to address the challenges you face on your farm and improve your bottom line . Glyphosate has long been a foundational and safe - to - use - as - directed tool to help you fight weeds , maintain conservation farming practices , and produce the kind of yields critical to an affordable food supply . As you well know , if your costs rise , so do prices at the grocery store . Fighting food inflation starts with fighting for the American farmer . However , legal challenges are threatening your access to this essential product . Despite its clear scientific record , the litigation industry continues to use misleading information to challenge glyphosate's safety in pursuit of a big payday . Fighting against the litigation industry has cost more than $ 10 billion to date with no resolution . One thing is clear , we cannot continue to sell an approved product and lose billions of dollars in doing so . Unfortunately , we are nearing the point where the efforts of the litigation industry will force us to stop selling this product . And while glyphosate is the topic today , make no mistake that all crop protection products could be under attack by the litigation industry . That's why we are actively engaged in legislative efforts at both the federal and state levels to support policies that protect your access to an essential , domestically produced crop protection product . The EPA has repeatedly affirmed glyphosate is safe to use as directed , and the legislation we support reinforces the authority of the EPA's rigorous , science - backed labeling decisions . This consistency ensures that the label is the law , helping to eliminate the unfounded premise of legal attacks by requiring uniformity in U.S. labeling . We've successfully defended glyphosate in numerous lawsuits and continue to fight against unfounded claims . But we need your help to save this product . Legislators are making decisions NOW and need to hear from you . We hope you will join us in this critically important fight . Thank you for all you do . Scan to send a letter to your legislator . B A BAYER E R