Better Life, Now and For Generations 50,000+ Good Paying Jobs Schools, Roads, and Flood Protection Thanks to our oil and natural gas industry, over fifty thousand North Dakotans have good paying jobs. Taxes paid by the industry fund schools, roads and flood protection across the state. America itself is more secure and energy independent because of our state's oil and natural gas. With our vast reserves the benefits will make life better for generations More Secure and Energy Independent Nation NORTH DAKOTA PETROLEUM FOUNDATION ADVANCING THE POSSIBILITIES NDPETROLEUMFOUNDATION.ORG Better Life , Now and For Generations 50,000+ Good Paying Jobs Schools , Roads , and Flood Protection Thanks to our oil and natural gas industry , over fifty thousand North Dakotans have good paying jobs . Taxes paid by the industry fund schools , roads and flood protection across the state . America itself is more secure and energy independent because of our state's oil and natural gas . With our vast reserves the benefits will make life better for generations More Secure and Energy Independent Nation NORTH DAKOTA PETROLEUM FOUNDATION ADVANCING THE POSSIBILITIES NDPETROLEUMFOUNDATION.ORG