BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy® Cooperative OPEN HOUSE A proposed combined-cycle natural gas power plant near Wheelock & Epping Learn about the power plant proposed by Basin Electric to help serve the growing needs of electric cooperative members. Meet project team members. Share feedback. Attend any time during the event. Refreshments will be provided. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4.6-8 P.M. CT Epping Pavilion 207 Main Street . BASIN ELECTRIC POWER COOPERATIVE A Touchstone Energy® Cooperative OPEN HOUSE A proposed combined - cycle natural gas power plant near Wheelock & Epping Learn about the power plant proposed by Basin Electric to help serve the growing needs of electric cooperative members . Meet project team members . Share feedback . Attend any time during the event . Refreshments will be provided . WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 4.6-8 P.M. CT Epping Pavilion 207 Main Street .